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Japan Used Car Import Duty / Regulation in St. Vincent

  • Year Restrictions

    No Age Restrictions

  • Destination Port


  • Time of Shipment

    31 to 41 Days (RoRo)

  • Vessel Schedule

    Monthly (RoRO)

  • Shipping Line

    RoRo (Monthly)

  • Inspection

    No Inspection Required

Shipping Ports:

The common port in Saint Vincent for importation of used vehicles from Japan is Kingston.

Right Hand Drive Cars:

Only right hand drive vehicles can be imported in Saint Vincent. Special permission from the cabinet is required on the importation of left hand drive vehicles.

Age Restriction:

No age restriction is required on importation of used vehicle. Nowadays, Japanese used cars reaching to every corner of the world, one such example is St. Vincent and the Grenadines, it is is a southern Caribbean nation comprising a main island, and commonly known as St. Vincent. Using a Japanese used car gives you a wonderful experience, and those who have not experienced that but are keen to have a Japanese used car then you can import one such car into St. Vincent. But before importing a used car need Vincentian need to seek some essential informations, which includes the process of importation, the idea of import tariffs, and all the documentation required to do before and at the time of import.

Rules for importing used vehicle and their specifications:

  • Vincentians are allowed to import their desired vehicle from Japan or any other country.
  • There is a restriction on importing of left hand drive vehicles, pursuant to section 79(1) of the Customs Control and Management Act.
  • Under special permit issued by cabinet.
  • There is also restriction on importing those used vehicles that require a supply ozone depleting substances for air conditioning units.

Documents Required for importing a used vehicle in Japan:

  • An original invoice from the suppliers indicating: the condition of sale the supplier’s name the buyer’s name the price paid or payable the terms of delivery.
  • CIF, FOB, or C&F full description of the vehicle (type, model, engine number or VIN number, colour, engine size, and weight) Year of manufacture.
  • A Bill of Sight prepared for verification of the information.
  • Evidence of payment.
  • The shipper or carrier original bill of lading.
  • Insurance Certificate, if applicable.
  • ASYCUDA World bill of lading.


Once you have prepared and collected all required documents, you need to present them at Custom Branch. Here they verify all your documents to check whether the Customs Valuation methods have been properly applied or not and the also make sure consistent with the Valuation laws of the Second Schedule of CAP#422. Generally, the Custom branch use transaction value i.e. the invoice price along with the addition of other charges such as handling and freight.

If they are satisfied with all presented documents and value declared by the importer the Customs may request additional information in accordance with Section 3(7) of the Second Schedule of CAP#422, they may ask you for an order, confirmation, price list and/or catalogue, evidence of payments e.g. telegraphic transfers, bank drafts, receipts etc.

Process of importing used vehicle:

After you satisfies all conditions, by providing the information and papers required, the customs valuation Branch will certify or accept the documents and the importer is now may proceed to process for his/her entry. In case the documents do not satisfy all conditions, the Customs Valuation Branch may determine a value for the vehicle, applying other methods of valuation consistent with the Valuation laws. The Customs, if requested, is obligated to notify the importer in writing of the grounds for the decision, and to provide an opportunity for the importer to make representation in this regard.

When used vehicle is bought directly from a Supplier abroad :

Under this category mainly those transactions are considered which are processed through the internet. This is done so, as a means of speeding up the verification process, it is recommended to all to clients maintain all correspondences, payments, e-mails, pictures etc. on the vehicle to be presented to Customs on its arrival. This information may also be presented prior to the arrival of the vehicle.

When used vehicles bought previously, used for a period of time and remaining in possession up to time of importation:

Normally, an invoice will not be available unless the importer had it in safekeeping at the time. It is therefore necessary for an appraisal of the value to be made using A fallback method under Section 2 (4) of the Second Schedule of CAP #422. The value that is arrived at is normally based on previously determined Customs values with adjustments for factors such as depreciation and general condition. Statistical information pertaining to vehicles of similar age and condition may be used to assist in determining a value for customs purposes.

Customs Value:

Vincent’s Section 1(1) of the Second Schedule of the Customs Act defines customs value as “the value of goods for the purposes of levying ad valorem duties of customs on imported goods.

Tariff codes:

The correct tariff code is also very important to ensuring that the correct duties and taxes are paid by the importer. Duties should not be overpaid or underpaid by the importer. In determining the correct tariff code, the importer, broker or customs clerk must have a basic knowledge of the rules governing the interpretation of classification in the customs tariff.

Duties and Taxes:

In St. Vincent 99% of duties or taxes charged on imported used vehicles are ad valorem, it is a duty or tax which is a charged as % of the value for duty of good imported. The value for the duty of goods imported is the custom value. The remaining 1% levied are for specific charges duties or taxes.

The % of charges varies according to type of used vehicle you are importing

Gasoline Cars/Diesel Cars Import Duty Excise Tax CSC Surcharge VAT
Gasoline Cars Up to 1500cc35%40%4%$300015%
Gasoline Cars between 1500cc to 1800cc35%45%4%$300015%
Gasoline Cars between 1800cc to 2000cc35%45%4%$350015%
Gasoline Cars between 2000cc to 3000cc35%45%4%$300015%
Gasoline Cars Exceeding 3000cc35%45%4%$450015%
Diesel Cars Up to 1500cc35%35%4%$300015%
Diesel Cars between 1500cc to 2000cc35%35%4%$300015%
Diesel Cars between 2000cc to 2500cc35%35%4%$400015%
Diesel Cars Exceeding 2500cc35%35%4%$450015%

Concessions and Exemption on Import duty:

There are certain conditions, on which duty free concessions on importing used vehicle are granted by the government of St. Vincent and the Grenadines Cabinet for the following

1. Importers who are returning Nationals

The people basically belongs to Vincent but have been living outside of St. Vincent and the Grenadines for a period of ten years or more and are going to shift permanently to their country are allowed to import a used vehicle and there is 75% waiver of the import duty, excise and Value added tax. But customs service charge of 4% of C.I.F is payable. If you are importing a vehicle which is more than four years old, then in that case a vehicle surcharge is also payable. The concession is limited to one vehicle per household, and there is condition that it must be imported or brought locally from a private warehouse or purchased on the docks within one (1) year of returning to live in the states. Returning nationals wishing to benefit under this scheme may do so by applying to the Comptroller of Customs and Excise

2. If importers are professionally Farmers

Those who belongs to the profession of farming can take the benefit of 75 % waiver of import duty, Excise and Value Added Tax (VAT) on the importation of pick-ups or light trucks of 1.5 tons or less. Customs Service Charge of 4% C.I.F is payable as well as a vehicle surcharge of $4000.00 if the vehicle is more than four (4) years old. This concession is limited to one vehicle per household. To be eligible, for getting this concession a farmer should be involved in commercial farming activity on at least 3 acres of land for three consecutive years prior to the granting of the concession. It is also mandatory to present the evidence of commercial activity which must be in the form of certification from the Permanent Secretary or the Chief Agricultural Officer in the Ministry of Agriculture.

3. Senior Public Servants

Those persons who have been permanently appointed to a post in Grades B1 or above; or has been acting in these grades for a continuing period of two years or more years are eligible for 75% percent waiver of import duty and excise and Value Added Tax (VAT) on a motor car or jeep of 3000 cc or less. This concession also applies to contractual and temporary appointments in Grade B1 held for a continuous period of five (5) years and over, as well as Managers of Statutory Corporations who receive benefits and pay scales in line with grade B1(13) of the Civil Service. The vehicle must be owned by the officer and registered in his/her name. This concession can be claimed on the purchase/ importation of a qualifying vehicle, in any given four years. Civil Servants retiring from the public service who were entitled to Duty-free concessions can utilize such concessions up to one month after the receipt of their retiring benefits. All applications should be made to the Director General of Finance and Planning.

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